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Paying it Forward

“Too often we forget how the places we visit help shape our lives.” Stefanie, Indianapolis resident.

During summer 2021, Stefanie came in contact with a random stranger as she paid her parking meter downtown Indianapolis. The two exchanged small talk, and soon found themselves in deeper conversation. His powerful words of wisdom, advice and guidance offered Stefanie the clarity and peace she needed in that exact moment of her life.

Stefanie contacted ParkIndy to share her personal story about the moment she will never forget, which took place in front of two parking meters, 1976 and 1977.

ParkIndy recently updated its meter technology, which included removing all single space meters. Typically, “old meters” are recycled or retrofitted for other uses, such as a way to collect money for street outreach programs.

Stefanie asked if she could purchase the two meters, which would serve as a tangible reminder of the moment she found the strength to move forward during a difficult time of her life.

Earlier last month, ParkIndy Director Adam Isen delivered the two meters donated to Stefanie.

Pictured here is Stefanie with her meters. She now has them in her apartment, and retrofitted them into a parking meter savings bank.

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